Microsoft Excel-VBA Support

Helping Accountants and Financial Analysts on Line since 1995

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Online Consulting



My name is Peter and I am a full time Consultant in Excel and VBA working for Business Management Specialist Unlimited, Inc located in NorthRidge , California. I serve clients all over the United States and Canada. My academic  background is in accounting, finance and management (Master's Degree) and I have been working with business data for more than 25 years. Ten years ago, I have decided to start helping others with Excel and VBA*.

[email protected]
514-257-0734 (Peter)
My rate: US $75 per hour

My clients over the last 10 years : Chase Manhattan Bank, Barnes and Noble, Union Carbide, Deloitte Consulting, National Bank of Canada, Alcan, Bombardier, Gildan Activewear...
many Joe's Hardware Store

VBA stands for Visual Basic for Application and is the programming language within Excel. If you can't do it by hand VBA will do it for you. If you are tired of doing it by hand VBA will do it for you.



You need support (phone and/or Email) on a regular basis? You need an expert in Excel and VBA who is also versed in accounting, finance, planning, manufacturing, construction, banking?

Call or write


My academic and professional background (25 years) are in
accounting, finance and management.

For the last 10 years, I have been a full time online Consultant in Excel-VBA serving clients all over North America.

Development of formulas, reports, analysis, VBA macros.

FREE estimates.

[email protected]
514-257-0734 (Peter)


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